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Why the Police Wear the Gloves?

Views: 130     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-06-08      Origin: Site


We can always see the polices wearing the gloves when they are on duty. Why are they wearing the gloves?  What can the gloves do?

Most of the policemen wear the gloves to protect their hands. When the police arrest someone, they definitely would have some body contact. The gloves can be a protective barrier incase the suspect will through up something wet themselves. And with the gloves, the policemen can protect themselves incase the suspect would have something sharp, which can hurt the policemen.

Besides these reasons, years ago the officers do not wear the gloves. But why now? Cause the “War on Drugs” really messed things up, some junkies do not care abou the health problem, they may share the needles, which can spread many infectious diseases. It can make everyone is phobic about touching others. It would not be a smart move to touch the razor blade o r needle. And what’s even more worse is AIDS. One prick and you could die, slowly, in 10 years.


So, at first, it was just leather gloves or Kevlar gloves.

Today, I can see officers putting on surgical gloves before they pat someone down, like how Walmart has little wipes to wipe your cart down before you touch it. Again, this is due to bacteria, virus, and unknown contagions, like Ebola, that could be on the people we interact with.

And, well, you wouldn’t believe what police encounter in the normal course of duty. A lot like what EMTs do, really. You have no idea what you can encounter during a frisk.

Haven’t you ever run into someone you really don’t want to touch? Well, we don’t have this option. You have to frisk, or search, and you have to handle them to cuff them. Of course, the same things applied in the past. We just didn’t know about them and weren't as fearful of them.

So wearing a pair of gloves is essential.

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